Emergency Closing Procedures

13220. Interim Policy

Note: This policy was adopted on under the interim policymaking provisions of the University's Policy on Policies on January 17, 2025. Information about this policy change, and any proposals for further policymaking, can be accessed at the University Policy website. Students and employees may submit comments on those proposals through the Proposed Policy Change Comment Form, which is accessible here.

13220.1 Policy Statement

As a public institution, Wright State University has a responsibility to maintain operations, when feasible, during emergencies, inclement weather, and other occurrences that may disrupt campus activities. But in some instances, it may be necessary to modify regular operations, or close the campus entirely, due to safety, logistics, and other considerations. This Policy establishes the authority and process for modified operations and closures.

13220.2 Emergency Operating Conditions

The President (or delegate) will develop emergency operating conditions and associated emergency operating procedures, to set operational priorities and expectations in response to particular contingencies.

13220.3 Authority to Implement Emergency Operating Conditions or Procedures

The President shall have authority to implement emergency operating conditions or procedures for the University, on either or both campuses, and/or for particular University units, facilities, activities, events, or personnel. If there is a vacancy in the Office of the President, or if the President is away from campus, or if the President is not immediately available, the authority shall be exercised by the next most-senior administrative officer of the University.

13220.4 Communications

Emergency operating conditions or procedures shall be conspicuously posted on the University’s website, and communicated to all students, faculty, and staff.

When the University (or a campus, or particular University units, facilities, activities, events or personnel) are operating under emergency operating conditions or procedures, the University shall make an announcement that is appropriate under the circumstances. Modifications that affect all or large groups of individuals may be communicated through local media (TV and radio), the University’s Emergency Notification System (“Wright State Alerts”), official @wright.edu email addresses, and/or messages posted on the University’s website.

The University encourages students and employees to register their personal devices for Wright State Alert messages to ensure timely notice of any change to regular operations. All individuals who have reason to suspect that regular operations are impaired by an emergency or inclement weather should check their @wright.edu email account, Wright State Alerts, and the University’s website for confirmation before traveling to campus.

13220.5 Essential Employees

Within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this Policy, and annually on or before [TBD], the Chief Human Resources Officer shall submit to the President a list of employees who are considered “essential,” and who are likely to be called-in to work even when the University is operating under emergency operating conditions or procedures. The Chief Human Resources Officer shall update the list from time to time in response to staff changes. The fact that an employee is deemed “essential” does not necessarily mean that they will be called in to work on every occasion, and the fact that an employee is not deemed “essential” does not necessarily mean that they cannot be called in to work on particular occasions.

13220.6 Safety Call-Off

The University will determine whether to institute emergency operating conditions and procedures based on a number of factors, but principally the conditions on and in the immediate commuting distance from the campus in question. Conditions may vary dramatically by location, and it is possible that conditions at a student’s or employee’s home, or along their commute, may be unsafe even though the campus is open for business. Each student and employee must determine for themselves whether they can safely make the trip to and from the University, and re-evaluate their decision as conditions develop. Employees who are unable to safely make the trip to work should communicate with their supervisor to determine whether remote work is available or leave time should be used for the applicable period.

13220.7 Off-Limits Facilities

If the University, or a campus, or a particular facility or event is closed in response to an emergency, it is off-limits to all students and employees except “essential employees” with a work-related need to access that location.