Employee Assistance Program
8330.1 General Policy
Wright State University has established an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide professional assistance for any type of personal problem. The program is designed to encourage employee awareness of such problems and to offer assistance at the earliest opportunity.
Employees are responsible for their performance and for taking constructive action to resolve any personal problem that affects or threatens to affect their on-the-job behavior. The Employee Assistance Program provides a confidential, professional resource for assistance in resolving personal problems. Employees are encouraged to seek assistance through the EAP on their own, before performance has been negatively affected.
This confidential program is administered by a private consulting and service firm.
8330.2 Eligibility
The following individuals are eligible to participate in the EAP:
Employees who are appointed to work at least 51 percent annual full-time-equivalency (more than twenty hours per week on an annual basis).
Members of the household of an eligible employee.
Dependents of an eligible employee who are eligible for group health insurance coverage no matter where they reside.
8330.3 Procedures
Wright State University encourages employees with personal problems to take advantage of the professional services provided through the EAP. Representatives of the designated EAP firm are available to answer any questions about the EAP and the scope of available services.
Use of the EAP is voluntary even if a referral is made by a supervisor.
Employees are responsible for deciding to seek assistance through or accept referral to the EAP.
Supervisors are responsible for offering assistance through the EAP to employees who have personal problems which affect their work performance.
An employee's decision to seek or accept assistance through the EAP will not adversely affect an employee's job security or advancement opportunities. However, participation in the EAP does not relieve an employee of the responsibility of meeting acceptable work performance and attendance standards.
The EAP also is available to family and household members of Wright State University employees; because employee work performance and attendance can be affected by the problems of an employee's spouse and/or members of an employee's household.
Time off will be provided to eligible employees, consistent with current sick leave and vacation policy.
Benefits for treatment expenses will be provided for eligible employees and their insured dependents, consistent with applicable group health insurance coverage.
All records will be kept by the designated EAP firm and will remain the property of the designated EAP firm. Information that an individual discloses will not be revealed to those outside the EAP firm, except for the following situations:
- An individual consents in writing.
- The law requires disclosure.
- Life or safety are believed to be threatened by failure to disclose the information.
8330.4 Referral Guidelines
Employees may obtain professional assistance through the EAP in one of the following ways:
An employee who desires confidential assistance for a personal problem should call the designated EAP firm and ask to speak to an employee assistance representative.
Supervisor’s recommendation
When an employee brings a personal problem to the attention of his/her supervisor, the supervisor should encourage an employee to use the EAP.
A supervisor should explain to an employee how the EAP works and should offer assistance in making the first appointment.
Supervisor’s referral
If a supervisor is in doubt about the appropriateness of making an EAP referral, a supervisor should contact the designated EAP firm, his/her own supervisor, or the Department of Human Resources for consultation. The following are some of the situations in which a supervisor should make a referral to the EAP.
A request from an employee for assistance with a personal problem;
A decline in work performance on the part of an employee; or,
An on-the-job incident or an observation by a supervisor which indicates the possible presence of a personal problem for an employee.
Incidents of flagrant misconduct that require other immediate disciplinary action are not appropriate for supervisory referral to the EAP.
When a supervisory referral is appropriate, a supervisor should review the EAP policy with an employee and advise him/her of the availability of confidential professional assistance for any personal problem.
Although the final decision to use the program must be an employee's decision, a supervisor should emphasize the importance of the EAP.
A supervisor may arrange the first meeting between an employee and an EAP representative.
Family member assistance
An eligible family member or member of an employee's household who desires confidential assistance for a personal problem should contact the designated EAP firm and ask to speak to an employee assistance representative.
An employee assistance representative will either provide the necessary assistance on the telephone or arrange for future confidential consultation in one of the designated EAP counseling offices.
Any communication between an employee or family member and an EAP representative will be held in confidence as described in this policy statement.