Cross-Listed and Meet-With Course Policy
4125.1 Intra-Departmental/Program/College Dual-Listed Courses
Intra-departmental/program/college dual-listings usually take the form of undergraduate-graduate offerings. These courses have identical prefixes, titles, and catalog descriptions. However, the higher level course requires additional work appropriate to its graduate status (see UP #5310 Grading Standards for Dual-Listed Courses). These courses are reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Committees, respectively.
4125.2 Inter-Departmental/Program/College Cross-Listed Courses
Undergraduate courses may also be cross-listed across departments, programs, and colleges, either permanently or temporarily.
Permanent Cross-Listings: Courses may be permanently cross-listed when two or more departments determine that a single course meets the standing needs of those departments. Whenever such a course is offered, it will be offered under all of its cross-listings. Permanently cross-listed courses will have identical titles, catalog descriptions, enrollment restrictions, and course attributes (e.g., Integrated Writing designation) and will use the same course syllabus. For ease of administration, one department will assume responsibility for a set of permanently cross-listed courses; that department will schedule course offerings, arrange for instructors, and work with partner departments or programs to adjust the schedule to maximize access for students among all the cross-listed courses. That department will initiate any curricular modifications and notify partner of proposed modifications. Permanently cross-listed courses will be reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and, when appropriate, by the Graduate Curriculum Committee.
Temporary Cross-Listings: Courses may be temporarily cross-listed to meet the current needs of departments and programs. Temporarily cross-listed courses may have different titles and catalog descriptions; however, course attributes should be the same (e.g., Service Learning, Integrated Writing designation), and all courses will use the same syllabus. The cross-listing of these courses is not reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee but arranged by the participating departments and programs. Departments or programs that make frequent use of cross-listed special topic or other variable content courses should develop versions of those courses that will allow them to be cross-listed appropriately (e.g., both IW and non-IW versions of these courses).
4125.3 Meets-With Courses
Meets-with courses differ significantly from cross-listed courses. In cross-listed courses, the experience for all students taking the course is essentially same. They meet together, have a common syllabus, and—except in the case of undergrad/grad cross-listings—the same assignments. In meets-with courses, only some portion of the academic experience is common among the classes. Examples include dual-listed courses, travel abroad courses with students at different levels of language proficiency, or courses where students attend the same lecture but participate in different discussion sections that focus on special topics or require different types of assignments. Individual courses within a group of meets-with courses are distinct courses and may have separate course numbers, prerequisites, breadth and attributes. Each college may establish criteria for defining groups of meets-with courses, and the departments should work directly with the Office of the Registrar to schedule meets-with courses.
Students who enroll in meets-with courses should not assume that they have earned the same type of credit as students who have enrolled through a different course that meets with their course. For example, if one course in a meet-with group is labeled integrated writing, this attribute is not transferable to other meets-with courses in the group unless they also are formally designated as integrated writing. Student should not assume they may switch their enrollment from one meets-with course to another outside of a normal drop-add period.