4270.1 Changes in Existing Programs
Academic units have primary responsibility for determining the curriculum requirements for major, minor, concentration, licensure and certificate programs. When proposed program degree modifications involve other units, those units will be notified of the proposed changes and input will be requested prior to submission of the proposal.
A formal proposal for changes in existing programs must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate college or school curriculum committee, the college or school faculty if required by that unit, and the University Curriculum Committee. When proposals for changes in general university graduation requirements or college, school, or program admission requirements are submitted, an implementation timeframe and transition plan must be submitted outlining how current, prospective, and transfer students under an articulation agreement will be informed and accommodated.
Changes in programs to be submitted for review and approval include changes in admission, program, and graduation requirements, including changes in the program of courses as would typically be listed in the undergraduate catalog, namely, the specific listing of course requirements and options and corresponding numbers of credit hours.
The approval process is initiated through submission of a request using the university curriculum workflow system.
Program modifications of 50% or more of Major Programs are considered new by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and must follow the New Major Program procedures. Name changes also require ODHE approval.