Additional Compensation

8580.1 Policy Statement

Faculty and staff employees receive their base compensation in accordance with the WSU compensation policy (#8510) and applicable collective bargaining agreements.  Summer pay for faculty members is set forth in collective bargaining agreements.  Faculty and unclassified exempt (salaried) staff may receive additional WSU compensation in the form of overload pay, adjunct pay or a stipend.  Classified and unclassified non-exempt (hourly) staff may receive additional compensation for working out of class or overtime.

1. Overload Pay: payment made to a faculty member for teaching a class.

  • Overloads are paid for specific courses and therefore cannot extend beyond a single academic term.
  • Overload teaching assignments are approved by the dean of a college.
  • Overload pay should be consistent within a college and, customarily, reasonably comparable to rates received by adjuncts in a department or sub-discipline.
  • Overload pay to bargaining unit faculty members must be at or above the minimum rates specified in their collective bargaining agreement.

1.a. Adjunct Pay:  payment made to an unclassified exempt staff member for teaching a class that is not assigned as part of the individual’s job responsibilities.  Non-exempt (hourly)  employees may not engage in adjunct teaching.

2. Stipend:  payment made to a faculty or unclassified staff member who assumes duties that are clearly outside the scope of the individual’s job responsibilities.

2.a. Faculty Administrative Stipend:  payment made to a faculty member who serves as Department Chair, Dean, Provost, or Vice President, including Assistant and Associate Dean, Provost or Vice President.

  • A faculty administrative stipend may continue as long as the faculty member serves in the administrative capacity and must be terminated when the appointment ends.
  • A faculty administrative stipend that continues from one fiscal year to the next is normally eligible for the university’s across the board and merit pay increases.
  • Faculty administrative stipends are approved by the administrator to whom the Chair, Dean, Provost, or Vice President reports.
  • No faculty administrative stipend may be charged to a contract or grant without the written approval of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
  • For Chairs and above, the base pay should be aligned with the individual’s academic position.  The stipend is thus used to align the total compensation with the administrative leadership role.
  • For Department Chairs and Assistant/Associate Deans, faculty administrative stipends should be reasonably consistent within a college and normally are between 10 and 20% of the individual’s fiscal base salary, depending on the size, scope and complexity of the responsibility.  A faculty administrative stipend below $500 or above 20% of the fiscal base salary must be reviewed by HR. HR will forward its recommendations to the Provost or designee for approval.

2.b. Faculty Stipend (other): payment made to a faculty member who serves as a program director or assistant chair or is assigned other responsibilities that are not part of the customary faculty workload.

  • Faculty stipends (other) are approved by the administrator to whom the faculty member reports.
  • A faculty stipend (other) may only be awarded to faculty who already meet all service expectations of their workload.
  • A faculty stipend (other) should normally be consistent with the customary overload pay for that college.  For example, an assignment that requires work that is equivalent to teaching two classes can be compensated by two course releases and no stipend, one course release and a stipend equivalent to teaching one overload class, or no course releases and a stipend equivalent to teaching two overload classes.
  • To the extent that an assignment involves highly specialized expertise, significant supervisory authority, or other characteristics that present unique challenges to the individual or that severely limit the number of persons qualified for the position, a faculty stipend (other) may be proportionately higher than customary overload pay rates.  A faculty stipend (other) that is below $500 or above 20% of the individual’s fiscal base salary must be reviewed by HR. HR will forward its recommendations to the Provost or designee for approval.
  • A faculty stipend (other) may be approved for a maximum of one year. If the assigned responsibilities continue, it may be renewed by the dean or Provost.
  • A faculty stipend (other) is not eligible for the university’s across the board and merit pay increases.
  • No faculty stipend (other) may be charged to a contract or grant without the written approval of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

2.c. Staff Stipend: payment made to an unclassified exempt (salaried) staff member who is assigned responsibilities that are not part of his or her job description and could not reasonably be included in “other duties as assigned.”

  • A staff stipend is (1) for temporary supervisory or other job responsibilities appropriate to a higher salary band or (2) for temporary assumption of duties clearly outside the scope of the job.
  • A staff stipend for work appropriate to a higher salary band is customarily 5-10% of the individual’s base salary or the amount to bring the individual to the lowest salary in the higher salary band, whichever is higher.
  • Staff stipends are approved by the Dean of a College or a Vice President, after consultation with HR.
  • If a staff stipend is above 20% of the individual’s fiscal base salary HR must forward its recommendations to the Provost or designee for approval.
  • A staff stipend for a Vice President is approved by the Provost or President. If a Vice President staff stipend exceeds 20% of the individual’s base salary it must be reviewed by HR who will provide a written recommendation.
  • A staff stipend may be approved for a maximum of one year. In special circumstances a staff stipend may be renewed by the Dean or Vice President, but long-term changes should instead be reflected in the job description, base compensation or additional FTEs.
  • A staff stipend is not eligible for the university’s across the board and merit pay increases unless filling in as an interim in a leadership position.


3. Working out of Class: payment made to a classified or unclassified non-exempt (hourly) staff member who performs some of the duties of a higher classification or serves in a leadership position within CSAC or USAC. (see HR Guidelines, Feb 2006)

4. Overtime: payment made to an non-exempt (hourly) employee for working more than forty hours in a week. (see Section 8230.3 “Overtime for Hourly Staff” in the University Policy Index).