5110.1 General Policy
Four types of appointments are available. Brief descriptions of each type are provided below:
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
Graduate students who are primarily engaged in instruction and who have primary responsibility for one or more class sections (e.g., lecture, laboratory, or discussion sessions). This category should not include graduate students who are primarily graders or advisors, or who perform other related non-teaching functions.
Graduate Assistants (GA)
Graduate students who, in addition to course work, are assigned specific non-instructional or non-teaching duties. These duties should require service to the University and should be in support of an instructional, research, or public service function. This category includes graduate students performing functions such as grading or reading, assisting faculty in research endeavors, or other types of assistance, which cannot be classified as routine clerical work.
Graduate Research Assistants (GRA)
Graduate students who, in addition to course work, are participating in separately funded research program activities or support a departmental research effort. These activities can be applicable to the graduate degree as a research component.
Graduate Scholars (GS)
Graduate students who have been awarded a scholarship and are pursuing full-time or part-time course work. Students are not required to perform additional duties as service to the University with the exception of research applicable to the degree.