3350.1 Academic Standing
An undergraduate student who is eligible to enroll full time is considered to be in good academic standing.
3350.2 Probation
A student whose Wright State University GPA is less than 2.0 after 12 attempted hours will be placed on probation. When a student subsequently attains a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 he/she is removed from probation.
Students who are on probation must have an advisor's approval of their course selection before they register for classes. Advisor approval is also required for all drop-add transactions. Students on probation may have their course loads limited and may be required to take particular courses and participate in academic support programs as indicated by their advisor.
3350.3 Dismissal from the University
A student on probation who fails to achieve a cumulative 2.0 GPA or above in his/her subsequent term of enrollment will be eligible for dismissal.
Dismissal action is taken by the dean of the college or school to which the students are assigned, in consultation with the head of the respective program unit or the academic advisor. In taking dismissal action, the academic officer will generally consider the student's progress toward meeting degree requirements, as well as overall academic performance.
Notice of dismissal from the university will be sent directly to the student by the dean or his or her designee of the college, school, or division to which that student is assigned.