Emeritus Faculty
2180.1 Statement
The Emeritus title recognizes past contributions to the community of scholars at Wright State University and confers on the recipient the rights and privileges of other members of the community of scholars at Wright State University, subject to the limitation of the right to vote and the right to hold elective office. It is conferred as a lifetime status. Insofar as it is possible, and subject to fiscal considerations, the University will extend courtesies and services to Emeritus faculty that facilitate their continuing contributions to the academic life at Wright State University.
Faculty members who have served as full-time faculty ten or more years at Wright State University will automatically be granted the Emeritus title upon retirement and upon written request by the faculty member to the provost. Faculty members who have served as full-time members of the faculty for five or more years, but less than ten years, may request consideration for the Emeritus title through the process of a petition to the provost through the faculty member's own administrative unit. In order to be considered for the Emeritus title, the petition of a faculty member must be supported by the dean of the college or school in which the faculty member holds his or her primary appointment.