Annual Faculty Evaluation
2410.1 Purpose
The purpose of a university evaluation process is to help faculty members improve their professional development and to inform decisions about merit pay, reappointment, promotion and dismissal.
The Department Chair or a Dean shall conduct an annual written evaluation of every full-time faculty member based on criteria directly related to the individuals' work assignment and communicated in writing to the faculty member before the beginning of the evaluation period or before the beginning of a changed work assignment that requires new criteria. After conducting the evaluation, the Department Chair/Dean will send to each faculty member a copy of his/her evaluation.
To prepare for the evaluation, the faculty member will submit to the Chair/Dean a report of her/his teaching and other assigned duties during the previous calendar year using the approved department/college form.
A faculty member who disagrees with the evaluation may send a written response to the Chair/Dean. This rebuttal shall become part of the original evaluation, forwarded to all entities that received a copy of the evaluation and kept in the permanent department or college office file.