9710.1 Purpose
This policy has been established to conform the serving of alcohol at events on university property to state liquor licensing and university policy.
9710.2 General Policy
All alcohol served on Wright State University property, including the Eugene W. Kettering Center, must be provided and served by the university’s dining services contractor. The Ervin J. Nutter Center (Ervin J. Nutter Center) contracted food service provider will furnish and serve all alcoholic beverages at Ervin J. Nutter Center. Serving alcoholic beverages at Wright State University Lake Campus is prohibited.
9710.3 Responsibility
University faculty, staff, and students are responsible for complying with the following guidelines:
All event coordinators must notify the Office of Conferences and Events (Office of Conference & Events) if alcohol will be available during any event on the main Dayton campus or at affiliated locations. For all events at Ervin J. Nutter Center, its administrative office must be contacted when initial event planning begins. If a student organization plans an event where alcohol is to be served, written approval must be obtained from the Office of Student Actitives, in compliance with the Student Alcohol Policy, which can be found online at https://www.wright.edu/student-handbook/student-organizations-policies-and-procedures/alcohol-student-policy.
Serving alcoholic beverages on the main Dayton campus is restricted to the Student Union, the Creative Arts Center, and the Ervin J. Nutter Center.
Serving alcoholic beverages at other campus locations requires special approval, and only the director of the Office of Conferences & Events or the director of the Ervin J. Nutter Center may grant approval. The Ohio Division of Liquor Control policy states that no more than TWO Temporary Liquor Permits may be submitted in one calendar year for other campus locations. Application for Temporary Liquor Permits for other campus locations must be requested through the Office of General Counsel at least 60 days prior to an event. The application requires the signature of an officer of the university and a filing fee.
Alcoholic beverages may not be served prior to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The provost or his/her designated representative must approve any exception to this policy. However, the director of Ervin J. Nutter Center must approve an exception to this policy for events at Ervin J. Nutter Center. Temporary Liquor Permits issued by the state of Ohioprohibit sales after 1 am. Other serving hours are mandated by local laws.
Food must be made available to attendees when alcohol is being served. During a student event, food must be offered free of charge. Coffee service or other non-alcoholic beverages also must be made available during the event.
Serving alcoholic beverages shall be suspended one hour prior to the scheduled end time for the event. Temporary Liquor Permits prohibit sales after 1 am.
A "last call" for alcoholic beverages may not be announced to attending guests. For events at Ervin J. Nutter Center, signs will be posted at concession stands announcing the time that alcoholic beverages will cease being served.
University funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages [see University Policy 9130 (Expenditure Guidelines)].
9710.4 Procedures
Once an event coordinator has contacted Office of Conference & Events or Ervin J. Nutter Center, the administrative offices of Office of Conference & Events or Ervin J. Nutter Center will coordinate the planning process with the respective dining service providers to ensure that university policies and state liquor licensing guidelines are met.